
Wananga landing
Wananga landing

General waitlist

08 November 2023

Should demand exceed capacity, Accommodation Services will operate a General Waitlist held centrally that all halls will have access to. This ensures the student the best opportunity of being offered a room on campus.


The option of a General Waitlist will be offered if a student's application has been unsuccessful at their preferred hall.  For 2026 there will be one preference only, therefore, it will be important to choose a hall carefully.

The benefit of a General Waitlist is:

  • The application will be accessible to all halls, rather than held by one individual hall.
  • Accommodation Services will communicate weekly to waitlisted students advising on availability.   
  • The General Waitlist is not ranked and any student can be offered a room at any time.  However, halls will take into consideration Māori or Pasifika students, equity, scholarship recipients, students of younger age, students studying degrees unique to UC, and any specific circumstances.

It is important to note that any hall can offer a room at any time.  It is the student's decision to accept or decline the offer.  If the offer is declined or expired and the student wishes to remain on the General Waitlist, they must inform Accommodation Services of their decision.

A student cannot be offered a room and stay on the General Waitlist at the same time.

The University of Canterbury has partnership agreements with Arcady Hall, College House, Rochester and Rutherford Hall, and UniLodge (Campus HousesHayashi, Ilam Student Accommodation, Kirkwood Avenue Hall, SonodaTupuānuku, University Hall) as specialist accommodation providers.  A residential contract is, therefore, a legal binding document between the individual hall of residence and the student - please read the terms and conditions carefully, particularly in regard to penalties to withdraw from a contract, once signed.

Accommodation Services

Te Ratonga Nohonga

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