- Publisher: For most standards, the author will be the organisation setting the standard. Typically this organisation is also the publisher and the Publisher area is therefore omitted.
- URL: For New Zealand standards online, provide the URL to the login page (https://shop.standards.co.nz/IPCheck/login.jsp) as these are proprietary materials available only in this database and require a login.
- In-text citations: As these do not provide the Standard Number, it may be desirable to include the Standard Number in the sentence: As specified by NZS 1170.5:2004 (Standards New Zealand, 2016, p. 55) …
- See also ISO Standard References (APA Style website).

Print standards
Standard Organisation. (Year). Title of the standard: Subtitle of the standard (Standard Number No. #). Publisher.
Standards New Zealand. (2001). Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—Installation (AS/NZS Standard Number No. 2918).
- Parenthetical citation: (Standards New Zealand, 2001)
- Narrative citation: Standards New Zealand (2001)
Online standards
Standard Organisation. (Year). Title of the standard: Subtitle of the standard (Standard Number No. #). Publisher. URL to database login page OR URL accessible for all readers
Standards New Zealand. (2008). Acoustics—Measurement of environmental sound (NZS Standard Number No. 6801:2008). https://shop.standards.co.nz/IPCheck/login.jsp
Standards New Zealand. (2016). Structural design actions: Part 5. Earthquake actions—New Zealand (NZS Standard Number No. 1170.5:2004, Reissued Incorporating Amendment No. 1). https://shop.standards.co.nz/IPCheck/login.jsp
- Parenthetical citations: (Standards New Zealand, 2008, 2016)
- Narrative citations: Standards New Zealand (2008, 2016)