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Resource rooms

14 May 2024

UC has three dedicated study areas with specialist technology for our students with disabilities who are welcome to join and follow an online technology forum. Check out the learning support tools available in our resource rooms that can help improve your grades and maximise your academic performance. 

There are three dedicated study areas with specialist technology for students with disabilities.

‌‌Students are welcome to join and follow an online technology forum.
You can learn about learning support tools that can help in improving your grades and maximising your academic performance. 

Please email if you would like to join.


Te Ratonga Whaikaha|Student Accessibility Service Study Areas

The Blue Room (book online)

Blue Room UC

The Blue Room (037A) is located in the basement of the Erskine building. There is a computer loaded with JAWS screen reader, MAGic text enlarger, OpenBook, Dragon Naturally Speaking speech recognition and Read & Write TextHelp software.

The Green Room (book online)

Green Room UC

The Green Room (034A) is located in the basement of the Erskine building. There is a computer loaded with JAWS screen reader, MAGic text enlarger, OpenBook, Dragon Naturally Speaking speech recognition, Read & Write TextHelp and ZoomText software. A Mac computer is also available.

The Alcove

Alcove UC

The Alcove is located on Level 2 of the Puaka-James Hight building and students with disabilities have priority use at all times. There are two computers and a SmartView CCTV magnifier in the Alcove. The assistive technology on these computers includes JAWS screen reader, MAGic text enlarger, OpenBook, Read & Write TextHelp, MathType and Inspiration software.

The Green Room and Blue Room

The Green Room and Blue Room are located in the basement of the Erskine building. The Green Room has a PC and a Mac while the Blue Room has a PC. Both rooms have the following assistive technology:

  • JAWS screen reader
  • Natural Reader screen reader
  • MAGic screen magnifier
  • MathType math processor
  • ZoomText screen magnifier/reader
  • OpenBook optical character recognition
  • Dragon speech recognition and audio transcriber
  • TextHelp learning support program
  • CCTV magnifier
  • Microtek scanner 

Rooms are available to be booked on a 'first-in, first-served' basis, swipe card access to these rooms is arranged through your Accessibility Advisor.

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