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Undergraduate subject

Performance Data Analysis

06 October 2023

Studying Performance Data Analysis at UC involves examining statistical data captured during sporting events to develop game plans and winning strategies. Learn more.



Performance Data Analysis


Performance Data Analysis examines statistical data captured during sporting events to develop game plans and winning strategies.

In this subject, you will learn how to use tracking tools and capture software to observe matches and find ways to improve performance.

Performance Data Analysis

What will my study involve?

  • Learn how to gather data to forecast results, identify patterns, and track strengths and weaknesses of the opposition.
  • Use 3D performance capture technology and other sport science and computer lab equipment within UC's Performance Education and Training Centre.
  • Internship experiences within professional sporting teams so you can learn first-hand about implementing advanced tactics and improving performance.
  • Earn accreditation using internationally recognised performance analysis software.

Performance Data Analysis


Performance Data Analysis major

Complete the compulsory courses for the Bachelor of Sport, along with the following major courses:




Performance Data Analysis minor

For the minor in the Bachelor of Arts, Commerce, Digital Screen, Health Sciences, Product Design, Psychological Science, Science, Social and Environmental Sustainability, Sport, or Youth and Community Leadership, complete the following courses:




Performance Data Analysis

Career opportunities

Performance analysis is a key part of sports and fitness industries to help make profits from winning matches and competitions.

Career pathways could include:

  • performance analyst
  • sport coach
  • exercise scientist
  • sports commentator.

Find out more about what you can do with a degree from UC.

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