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Two UC innovations among KiwiNet award finalists

16 October 2020

Two University of Canterbury engineering innovations were among the 12 finalists selected for the eighth annual KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards held last night.


Associate Professor Aaron Marshall's vision for New Zealand is to be the first country to have a zero-waste galvanising industry.


Two University of Canterbury engineering innovations were among the 12 finalists selected for the eighth annual KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards held last night.

  • Associate Professor Aaron Marshall of the College of Engineering was a finalist in the Norman Barry Foundation Breakthrough Innovator category. 

    An entrepreneur with a keen interest in solving real-world problems, Associate Professor Marshall co-founded Zincovery with one of his master’s students, Jonathan Ring – the pair are commercialising a process to treat the waste generated by the galvanising industry.

    Associate Professor Marshall says his vision for Aotearoa New Zealand is to be the first country to have a zero-waste galvanising industry. Watch the video

  • Invert Robotics was a finalist in the PwC Commercial Impact category for suction-based climbing robots developed from ground-breaking UC research that eliminate hazards when carrying out industrial inspections. Watch the video

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