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Citation advantage for open access at UC

05 November 2019

Want more citations for your publications?


Image credit: Neil Dawson, SOFA Dart, 2004, Digital print on paper, UC-SFA-930i, UC Art Collection, Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury.

The scholarly publishing market is changing rapidly, as evidenced by Plan S and the University of California’s cancellation of its Elsevier contract. The UC Library has been working on assessing the impact of these developments on UC researchers and how we can prepare to meet them.

We investigated the rate of citation for OA and non-OA articles produced by UC researchers. We found an overall citation advantage for OA in its many forms. Specifically, we found that articles deposited in the UC Research Repository were cited 129% more often, on average, than articles only available behind a paywall (a.k.a. ‘closed access’).

Public Domain

Making UC Research open access doesn’t have to involve costly article processing charges. Researchers can deposit their author accepted manuscripts in the UC Research Repository at no cost and know their work is discoverable and freely accessible via Google Scholar.

Publish anywhere, deposit here.

To find out how to get your research into the Research Repository, have a chat with your subject librarian.

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