The rise of alternative foods, such as precision-fermented products and cultured meats, pose a significant threat to traditional agriculture.
Alternative foods can offer benefits like quality, cost savings, and lower carbon footprints. In Aotearoa New Zealand, cutting back on traditional dairy production could help reduce emissions. However, the renewable energy needed for alternative food production must be considered.
If the government plans things right, the switch could be made smoothly. Emissions Trading Scheme funds could aid a transition for farmers, acknowledging the need for an integrated climate, energy, and alternative-food plan for New Zealand’s future.
UC Adjunct Senior Fellow in Renewable Energy Systems Engineering Dr Ian Mason discusses the importance for New Zealand of creating a smart plan that considers climate, energy, and these new foods to stay ahead of changing global trends. Read the article here.
Disclosure statement:
Ian Mason is affiliated with the NZ Offshore Wind Working Group.