IMTFE documents missing from the Northcroft Collection
01 March 2024
- Index to the Court Docket(150 pages)
- Consolidated List of Language and Other Corrections to the Transcripts of the Proceedings in Open Session (Available at the National Library of New Zealand)
- List of Rejected Exhibits(187 pages)
- Prosecution Memorandum on The Law of Conspiracy
- Pre Trial Briefs Pertaining to the Selection of the Defendants
- Documents in the Case Files
- Minutes of the Executive Committee of the International Prosecution Section
- Defence Appeal to General Douglas MacArthur
- General Douglas MacArthur’s Review of Sentences
- US Supreme Court Decision Regarding US Appellate Jurisdiction
- Daily Indexes
- Court Journal
- Minutes
- Index to IPS Documents (By Phase and Subject): Documents 1 to 2969 and 4000 to 4095
- Index of Documents Not Specifically Linked to One or More of the Defendants
- Index of Witnesses: Defence (From 28 February 1947 to 10 February 1948)
- Conference on Procedure Regarding Summation (21 November 1947)
- Decisions of Imperial Conferences, Cabinet Meetings, and Other Conferences and Meetings which Appear in the Prosecution's Evidence(IPS Document No. 0001)
- General Index of the Record/Record of Defence Case (IPS Document No. 0008) (152 pages)
- Summary of Evidence in Relation to Treatment of Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Inhabitants of Occupied Countries in Places Other than the Philippines [and at Sea] Between December 1941 and September 1945
- Analysis of Documentary Evidence, made by Prosecution Section
- 3 x 5 inch card Index to Witnesses.
- Index to Prosecution Documents, Listed by Defendants (49 pages)
- Index to Defence Documents, Listed by Phase as well as by Defendant(71 pages)
- List of the International Prosecution Section Case Files (6 pages)
- 29 April 1946
- 4 May 1946 (1 page)
- 11 May 1946 (9 pages)
- 24 June 1946 (known to be missing)
- 9 September 1946 (known to be missing)
- 31 January 1947 (re Okawa’s medical condition. Untraceable)
- 9 April 1947 (re Okawa’s medical condition. Untraceable)
- 15 May 1947 (15 pages)
- 24 June 1947 (2 pages)
- 13 August 1947 (9 pages)
- 29 August 1947 (known to be missing)
- 10 December 1947 (10 pages)
- 1 October 1948 (known to be missing)
- 10 October 1948 (known to be missing)