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Wananga landing

UC Libraries opening!

13 September 2021

From Rātū 14 Mahuru UC Libraries are open under Delta Alert Level 2 guidelines


From Rāapa 14 Mahuru the University's three libraries - Te Puna Mātauraka o Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (PJH), Te Puna Pūkaha me te Pūtaiao (EPS), and Te Puna Rakahau o Macmillan Brown (MB) - will be open for UC kaimahi and ākonga under Delta Alert Level 2.

A number of protocols are in place to keep everyone safe, including reduced occupancy limits and a requirement to scan in with your Canterbury Card. Please wear a face covering and observe physical distancing. Full details are available on the Library's Covid-19 page. Libraries will be reopening on reduced hours. See Library Hours for up-to-date information.

The Library's excellent range of online resources remain available to our kaimahi and ākonga. Why not brush up on your te reo with ETV's Māori collection or explore some of Macmillan Brown's stunning art and archival Māori collection.

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Visit our media enquiries page to contact UC Media.
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