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Rotorua Initial Teacher Education Hapori

10 May 2024

If you live in Rotorua, or within about an hour’s drive from Rotorua in the Waiariki Region (including Whakatane, Taupo and Tokoroa), you can study Primary Teaching by distance at UC. Our students in this area are supported by the Rotorua Initial Teacher Education (ITE) hapori. Find out about our Rotorua Initial Teacher Education Hapori.

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Become a primary teacher and study in Rotorua

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toira.
Let us keep close together, not far apart.


Do you live in Rotorua or within about one hour’s drive from Rotorua in the Waiariki Region (including Whakatane, Taupo and Tokoroa)?

You can study Primary Teaching by distance with the support of the Rotorua Initial Teacher Education (ITE) hapori. The teaching venue and homeroom for this initiative is based at a local school in Rotorua.

If you have ever thought about becoming a primary teacher and want to study locally, now is the time to apply. You can do this full-time (3 years) or part-time (6 years).

The exciting hapori initiative has been operating since February 2020, and is delivered in partnership by University of Canterbury School of Teacher Education and the Rotorua Principals’ Association.

You will complete the highly-recognised Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary) programme. Much of the learning will be by distance learning. Additionally, once a term the kaihautū (leader), a UC lecturer, will mentor and support you to learn strategies and skills to become an effective and dynamic UC teacher graduate.

The UC-based Kaihautū will meet with you in Rotorua at the beginning of each semester and will also provide regular monthly online meetings. The support package also allows Rotorua-based students to have curriculum-based, face-to-face lectures and workshops in Rotorua twice a year with high quality UC lecturers who have specialist knowledge.


So what do you have to commit to in Rotorua?

Meetings each term with the kaihautū (leader) at our teaching venue/homeroom in Rotorua.  Face-to-face lectures/workshops with your lecturers at our teaching venue/homeroom in Rotorua during the first two weeks of each semester (approximately two to three days each semester).

Professional practice placements in schools (teaching practice) will be in a range of schools in Rotorua and the Waiariki region and organised by the UC professional practice team. The remainder of the time you can study from home.

The Rotorua Initial Teacher Education hapori is based at a local school in Rotorua and offers a full-time or part-time Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary) qualification.


How you will learn?

Most of the course work is completed by Distance Learning. Strong support is provided by our Christchurch based lecturers with most offering weekly support via Zoom. Classes are small and supportive and lecturers are committed to your learning and development.

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