
Wananga landing
Wananga landing


27 August 2024

Many people land on our website because they're looking for help with psychological problems. We've assembled information on services available in Christchurch in case they're useful. We don't endorse any of these services but we hope they help you. Check out these resources.


Resources and useful links

Many people end up at our website because they are seeking help for their psychological problems. We have put together some information on services available in Christchurch in the hope that this may be of assistance to you. We do not endorse any of these services but we do hope they may be of help. Services do change and move over time and so our apologies if some of the links no longer work. It is hard for us to keep up with all changes!


Pregnancy related helplines

Pregnancy Counselling

24/7 support for pregnancy, postr abortion and miscarriage support/advice. Mens page can be accessed through website. Face-to-face counselling is provided in most areas around NZ.

Phone: 0800 773 462

Pregnancy Help

Practical assistance, information and advice during pregnancy and early childhood. Email request help form online. Branches nationwide. Each location on the website has hours, contact numbers and email addresses. Hours vary between branches. Refer website.

Parent Help

9am-9pm 7 days. Provided help for parents with all parenting challenges.

Phone: 0800 568 856


Parenting support, information, home and clinic visits, mobile clinics. Website provided useful information and resources.

Phone: 0800 933 922

Miscarriage support

Provides information, resources and support for bereaved parents. Can also provide referrals to counselling services.

Phone: 0508 72 63 72


Emotional support

Lifeline Aotearoa

A free and confidential crisis helpline service, providing brief intervention counselling support for all areas of concern, for example: relationships, employment, finances, abuse, suicide, parenting, sexual identity, substance abuse, mental illnesses, loneliness.

Phone: 03 366 6742

Depression Helpline

A free 24/7 helpline for those feeling low in mood or anxious.

Phone: 0800 111 757
Text: 4202

Anxiety Helpline

Phone: 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)

Need to talk

24/7 helpline staffed by trained counsellors provided support for emotional distress

Phone: 0800 1737 1737
Text: 1737


24/7 confidential and non-judgemental support to anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress.

Phone: 0800 726 666.


A free 24/7 Helpline providing emotional support for young people.

Phone: 0800 376 633
Text: 234

Resources can also be accessed from the website.


Sexual harm

Safe to talk

24/7 helpline providing access to trained specialist who can provide information and guidance on questions about sexual harm and related medical, emotional, and behavioural issues

Phone: 0800 044 334
Text: 4334


9am – 11pm 7 days. Domestic abuse helpline

Phone: 0508 744 633

Women’s refuge crisis line

24/7 line for women living with violence, or in fear in their relationship or family

Phone: 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE)

Local contact numbers for refuges can be accessed from:


Health issues and advice


24/7 helpline staffed by registered nurses who can offer health advice. Interpreters available.

Phone: 0800 611 116

Alcohol & Drug Helpline

Phone: 0800 787 797
Text: 86181



Warmline Canterbury

Mental health peer support telephone service available throughout the Canterbury District Health Board areas. Our telephone peer supporters have all had personal experience of mental illness and provide non-crisis confidential support.

Phone: 03 379 8415

Crisis Resolution (previously Psychiatric Emergency Services)

Crisis Resolution (CR) offers after hours and urgent psychiatric assistance. CR is an integral part of each Adult Community Mental Health Team providing 24 hour advice and assessment for people presenting in crisis which is associated with a known or suspected mental health problem.

Address: Hillmorton Hospital, Fergusson Building or Christchurch Hospital (after hours), Christchurch
Phone: 03 364 0482


Christchurch CAT team

0800 920 092 (operating 24/7)


South Canterbury CAT team

0800 277 997


West coast CAT team

0800 757 678 (operating 24/7)




7pm-1 am Tuesday to Sunday

Phone: 0800 200 207

CAT team

Te Haika 0800 745 477 (operating 24/7)




Phone: 0508 927 654

Mental Health Crisis Team

0800 800 717 (operating 24/7)


Other areas

Click here to find your local crisis team.


Petersgate Counselling Centre

Provides low-cost professional supervision and counselling, especially to those who can least afford these services.

Address: 29 Yaldhurst Road, Christchurch, 8041
Phone: 03 343 3391

Catholic Social Services

Free services including professional counselling for individuals, couples, families and young persons; family work; group courses for children and adults; budgeting/advocacy and food bank services; also free counselling for earthquake trauma.

Address: 336 Cashel Street, Christchurch, 8140
Phone: 03 379 0012

Home and Family Counselling

Offers professional counselling and psychotherapy, creating environments for positive change and enabling people to overcome difficulties and achieve emotional well-being.

Address: 76 Thackeray Street, Waltham, Christchurch, 8023
Phone: 03 944 0635

Women's Centre

Free counselling service - up to 20 sessions per client. Counsellors (some are fully qualified and some are students on placement) deal with a wide range of issues. Appointments are essential. The women’s centre also provides a wide range of other services.

Address: Unit3/242 Ferry Road, Waltham, Christchurch, 8011
Phone: 03 371 7414

Canterbury Men's Centre

Give men time to talk about what they are dealing with and come up with a plan. That plan could involve anything from seeing a counsellor, rushing you to some emergency support, or planning a fishing trip with a friend.

Address: 357 Gloucester Street, Linwood, Christchurch, 8011
Phone: 03 365 9000

Father and Child Trust

We offer information and support for all dads. Special programmes available for teen dads or new fathers including ‘Discovering Fatherhood’, ‘Father and Child’ magazine and ‘Why Dads?’ booklets.

Address: 357 Gloucester St, Christchurch, 8148
Phone: 03 982 2440

Oxford Community Trust

Provides local information and resources for the people of the Oxford District including counselling services.

Address: 37 Main Street, Oxford, North Canterbury, 7430
Phone: 03 312 3006

Te Whare Awhero (Hope House)

Te Whare Awhero Hope House is a faith based organisation, a division of the Hope Presbyterian Church in Hornby, providing community based services at the grassroots to bring hope. The activities we undertake include, community development projects, counselling, practical support, mentoring, community based research and spiritual direction.

Address: 36 Amyes Road, Christchurch, 8042
Phone: 03 967 4673

Community Youth Mental Health Service

Brief intervention of up to six sessions for youth aged 13-18 years with mild-moderate mental health and/or alcohol and drug issues.

Address: 98 Greers Rd, Burnside, Christchurch 8053.
Phone: 03 281 7618

Child, Adolescent and Family Outpatient Mental Health Services - CAFLINK

Address: The Princess Margaret Hospital, PO Box 800, Christchurch
Phone: 0800 218 219 or 03 337 7758

Positive Psychology & Psychotherapy

We offer professional counselling, psychotherapy, and psychology services to children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. We have a limited number of appointments we offer at a reduced rate for full-time UC students (individual adult psychotherapy and counselling only). We also offer animal-assisted therapy.

Address: 14 Pentre Terrace, Cashmere, Christchurch
Phone: 03 421 1926



Dayspring Trust

Address: 2 Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn, Auckland 0600
Phone (09) 827-6321

Regions Serviced: North Shore/Waitakere

Dayspring Offers: Maternal Mental Health Community Support Services; Secure Beginnings- home based early intervention attachment service; Supported Landlord Services; Counselling Services

Dr Kelly Kerrisk

DClinPsych, BA (Hons), MNZCCP

Clinical Psychologist

Kelly works from practice rooms in Titirangi, and also in Meadowbank, Auckland.

Mobile: 021 032 8020

Kelly is an experienced Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about supporting women and families experiencing depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy, Post Traumatic Stress / Birth Trauma, and difficulties with attachment and the adjustment to parenthood. She draws on a range of therapeutic approaches including CBT, ACT, and Mindfulness as part of tailoring her approach to meeting the needs of each individual and family.


Dr Missy Wolfman (Clinical Psychologist)

BA, BSc (Hons), Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, PhD

Facebook page:

Empowermums is all about empowering you to thrive in motherhood, no matter where you are in your parenting journey. I offer individual therapy, public workshops and coffee-group talks. ‘Like’ my facebook page and receive daily tips and inspirations as well as updates on upcoming Empowermums events. I look forward to connecting with you!

The Postnatal Distress Center

Susan Goldstiver
Address: Level 2, 300 Great South Rd, Greenlane Auckland
PO Box 17489, Greenlane, 1546
Phone: 09 8464978 or 021 333021

Susan is passionate about and specialises in postnatal distress, which includes treatment and support with: antenatal and postnatal depression, antenatal and postnatal anxiety, panic attacks and OCD, post-traumatic stress after childbirth (birth trauma), attachment and bonding difficulties, and any struggle to adjust to parenthood for new mums and dads, including couples counselling.



Specialist Maternal Mental Health

Address: 21 Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington.
Phone: 04 801 2960

Multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals including: Psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapist, infant psychotherapist, social worker.

Little Shadow (formerly PND Wellington)

Little Shadow offers counselling, support and information for those experiencing perinatal distress. We walk beside you in your journey, working collaboratively with health professionals and other organisations to help you on your journey to wellness.

Address: Marion Square, Wellington 6141
Phone: 04 472 3135

Through Blue

Supporting and education Women with experience of Depression

Support groups in Wellington: Monday 6:30 – 8:30pm and every Friday 1:00 -3:00pm, in the central city.


Tend Psychology

Dr Bronwyn Sweeney, Clinical Psychologist, Childbirth Educator.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), compassion, mindfulness and positive psychology.

Address: WellHub, Level 1, 82 Willis Street, Wellington, 6011


PND Canterbury - Postnatal Depression Family/Whanau NZ Trust

Support group for Canterbury mums and children under five years of age, experiencing Postnatal Depression (PND) or related anxiety disorders. The group is facilitated by a Mum who has “been there” and has a passion for PND and a team of volunteers to look after babies and pre-schoolers. We provide a safe environment for Mums to meet other mums, to learn about what tools they might find helpful on their journey and encourage friendship. We meet Thursdays (except school holidays) 12.30pm to 2.00pm. Registration is important as we have a set number per group and often have a waiting list. Cost: Gold coin donation.

Phone: 021 131 4352

Pregnancy Help Inc Canterbury

We run a weekly Depression Support Drop In on Thursdays, with lunch provided, during term time from 10am – 12 midday. We have a comprehensive range of information about services in Christchurch and a small library of pregnancy and parenting books.

Address: 349 Woodham Road, Christchurch, 8642
Phone: 03 385 0556

Mothers Supporting Mothers

To contribute to the well-being and self-sufficiency of mothers and consequently their families in North Canterbury, by providing support for women with postnatal depression; help with and prevention of postnatal depression; increase awareness of issues involved in adjusting to parenthood; skilled facilitators for group meetings and individual counselling; facilities for women to meet with freedom from childcare

Address: Rangiora & Kaiapoi
Phone: 03 312 9787 (Chris) 027 651 4854 (Frances)

Mental Health Advocacy and Peer Support Services (MHAPS)

Peer support: For people who are experiencing mental distress, substance addiction and/or mental illness, including anxiety, bipolar disorder and/or depression. Peer support groups: For people who would like to meet others for support with recovery strategies.

Address: 826 Colombo Street (cnr Peterborough), Christchurch, 8244
Phone: 03 365 9479

Depression Support Network

Providing community support services for the people of Canterbury whose lives are adversely affected by depression, including group support, one to one support, resource information and education courses.

Address: Community House, 301 Tuam Street, Christchurch, 8011
Phone: 03 366 8083



Well Women Franklin

Well Women Franklin provides a free Peer Support Group to women and their families who are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing Ante Natal and/or Post Natal Distress.  They also assist women who are affected by other mental health disorders that are worsened during pregnancy and motherhood, including anxiety disorders and PTSD.

This is a free group for women in the Franklin area.

Phone: 021 1588 134

Sands support group - Grief Centre, Auckland

At the Grief Centre, we provide support, advice & counselling to help those affected by grief and loss. The Death of a loved one shifts the whole foundation of our life. Nothing is as it was. Even what was most familiar, seems in a strange way unfamiliar. It is as though we have to learn a new language, a new way of being. Even the face in the mirror sometimes seems the face of a stranger. The Grief Centre offers Support Groups, and Training Courses.



Sands Support Group - Grief Relief, Wellington/Hutt Valley

Experienced and knowledgeable support for parents, families, whanau and others bereaved by the death of a child, of any age or gestation, from any cause, at any time, on any aspect. Support is available face-to-face locally or phone or skype nationally. Three sessions free for families in Wellington and Hutt Valley who used Harbour City, Wilson or Guardian Funeral Homes.

Contact: Claire Laurenson at (04) 970-1222 or

Christchurch Public Hospital Sleep Disorders Services

Phone: 03 364 1089

Sleep Apnoea Association of NZ Inc.

Address: PO Box 88, Hamilton 3240.
Phone: 07 858-4378

Sleep Well Clinic

Dr Alex Bartle and his team of health professionals at the Sleep Well Clinic provide comprehensive assessment and treatment services throughout New Zealand for children and adults suffering sleep disorders such as snoring, sleep Apnoea, Insomnia, and Parasomnias.

Address: Unit 6/10 Acheron drive, Middleton, Christchurch.
Phone: 03 341 8903


Cansleep is a Christchurch-based provider of Sleep Medicine diagnostics and therapeutics. They offer a comprehensive service of the highest quality, which incorporates specialist clinical assessment and state-of-the-art sleep studies through to provision of therapy and long-term follow-up.

Address: First floor, 9 Caledonian road, Christchurch.
Phone: (03) 3795060


Pregnancy Centre

We support and care for all woman facing an unplanned or crisis-pregnancy, offering a listening ear and practical support as you navigate your way through what can be an extremely difficult and emotionally demanding situation. Our caring team is ready to provide support and someone to talk to, and our help is free and totally confidential and without judgement. The Pregnancy Centre is run by a team of Catholics committed to helping any woman, couple or family who is alone, scared or uncertain about their pregnancy.

Address: 88 Idris Road, Bryndwr, Christchurch, 8052
Phone: 0508here4u or 03 351 3227

Perinatal Wellbeing Canterbury

Erin – Facilitator/Secretary
Phone: 021 131 4352

Community support groups for mothers and primary caregivers suffering from PND and associated anxiety disorders.

PIPS – Pregnancy Infancy Parenting Support (Formerly Pregnancy Help Canterbury)

Providing free, non-judgmental, client-focused practical and emotional support during pregnancy and early parenting

95 Hawke Street, New Brighton (entrance to the Old Central New Brighton School)
Phone: 03 385 0556 or 022 530 2463

Mothers and Babies Service

Address: The Princess Margaret Hospital, Christchurch
Phone: 03 337 7708

Inpatient and outpatient service for mothers with a moderate to severe degree of mental or suspected mental illness. Referral acceptance in second trimester for baby up to 12 months of age.  Follow up to infant 12- 15 months of age.

Canterbury Plunket Postnatal Adjustment Programme

Address: 166 North Parade, Shirley, Christchurch 8061
Phone: 03 3651 646

Assessment, liaison and education regarding postnatal depression.

Canterbury Plunket Parent and Infant Relationship Service

Address: 5 Twigger St, Addington, Christchurch 8141
Phone:  021 408 940

Mothers Supporting Mothers

Chris: 03 312 9787
Frances: 03 327 3454
Gabrielle: 027 306 9407

Support group for mothers of babies and young children, run by professionals on Friday mornings, in the Rangiora Plunket Rooms, Rangiora, plus Friday afternoons at the Kaiapoi Plunket Rooms, Kaiapoi.

Sands Canterbury (Christchurch)

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby.

Phone: Jackie 0274 491 019 / Karlena 347 4881

Support Meetings: First Monday of every month (except January) from 7.30pm - 9.30pm, St James Church Hall, 750 Harewood Road (Airport End), Christchurch.

We also offer support via phone, email, and Facebook.


South Canterbury

Timaru Plunket Family Centre

Parenting support and groups for families in South Canterbury

Services include: Parenting support; One on one assessment re feeding/sleeping/behaviour; Breast pump hire; Breastfeeding works group; Drop in during opening hours for feeding and changing

Phone: 03 684 4967
Address: 3 Dee Street, Timaru

South Canterbury Plunket Postnatal Adjustment Programme

A free programme to support South Canterbury families experiencing difficulty/distress adjusting to parenting, or who are experiencing postnatal depression.

If you are having difficulty in adjusting to parenting , or feeling low in mood following your baby’s birth, PPNAP may be able to help.  We offer assessment at home, follow up home visits, phone support, and group programmes/mother to mother support.

Ph: 03 684 4159
Fax: 03 684 6646
Address: 3 Dee Street, Timaru 7910

Timaru Psychiatric Service

Address: Kensington Centre, Timaru

Inpatient Team, Community Team, CAPS Team, A&OD Team; Moderate to severe mental illness; Relies on team members with interest in mothers and babies to maintain links with the South Island regional Team based in Christchurch; Postnatal Adjustment Programme

Mothers Helpers

Online PND Recovery Course – Mothers Helpers provides an online 10 week Perinatal Depression/Anxiety Recovery Course.  All mums who have completed the course can go on to have therapy with your facilitator – a registered/qualified counsellor, social worker, life coach or mental health nurse. Click here for more information about the course

Phone:  0800 002 717  or  022 093 1822

Sands Timaru

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby.

Contact: Sands Timaru & Districts
Phone: 027 825 9406 - calls or texts welcome or Contact: Sam Joyce via email above

Support Meetings: held when required


West Coast

Family Start Buller-Grey

Address: 70 Bright Street, Cobden, Greymouth, 7802
Phone: 03 768 6568

Family Start is a free and voluntary programme providing intensive on-going support in the areas of Health, Education and Welfare from the time of pregnancy up to 3-5 years of a child's life. Our focus is on child development, including delivering the Born to Learn programme that focuses on a child's development for their age group.

Greymouth Parents Centre

Address: Cnr Nelson and Shelley Streets, Greymouth, 7805
Phone: 03 768 6136

Parents Centre NZ offers a wide range of support networks for parenting with the prime service being childbirth education.  Internal supports are a priority for locally run committees which in turn ensures good quality support and education is available for parents within the community.

Mothers Helpers

Phone:  0800 002 717 or 022 093 1822

Provide support to mothers experiencing ante-natal and postnatal anxiety and depression, also offer PND Recovery courses and follow-up counselling in 12 areas across the North Island as well as online.  These are delivered by qualified counsellors, social workers, life coaches or mental health nurses.

PND Recovery Course – Mothers Helpers provides a 10 week Perinatal Depression/Anxiety Recovery Course.  All mums who have completed the course can go on to have therapy with your facilitator – a registered/qualified counsellor, social worker, life coach or mental health nurse.

Sands Westport

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby.

Contact: Raewyn Johnson
Phone: (03) 789 6857

Support Meetings: On the first Monday of every month, from 1:30pm to 3pm, at "Number 37", 37 Peel Street, Westport.

Sands Hokitika/Greymouth

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby.

Contact: Melanie Tarrant
Phone: 027 752 8289

Support Meetings: One on one, phone and email. Support meetings held 2nd Tuesday of every month 7-9pm. Please check our Sands Hokitika/Greymouth Facebook page for location details.



Aronui Ora

Auckland DHB, Maternal Mental Health

Aronui Ora, Maternal Mental Health, Auckland District Health Board

Address: 214 Greenlane West, Epsom, Auckland, 1051
Phone: 0800 43 43 44 or (09) 623 4671 or extension 26740

Aronui Ora (Cloak of wellbeing) was formerly named the Maternal Mental Health Service. Aronui Ora is a specialist adult mental health service.  The multi-disciplinary team is made up of mental health professionals from the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, occupational therapy and nursing.  There are team members with specialist knowledge in the area of infant care and attachment (promoting a secure parent and infant relationship).  The service provides antenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) support in community, clinic and hospital settings. They offer a wide range of individual, group and family therapies and other targeted supports.

Mothers Helpers

Phone:  0800 002 717 or 022 093 1822

Provide support to mothers experiencing ante-natal and postnatal anxiety and depression, also offer PND Recovery courses and follow-up counselling in 12 areas across the North Island as well as online.  These are delivered by qualified counsellors, social workers, life coaches or mental health nurses.

PND Recovery Course – Mothers Helpers provides a 10 week Perinatal Depression/Anxiety Recovery Course.  All mums who have completed the course can go on to have therapy with your facilitator – a registered/qualified counsellor, social worker, life coach or mental health nurse.

Breastfeeding Support - La Leche League Auckland Region

Answerphone service - anytime. Or refer to the LLLNZ website for Group contact information

Text only 020 4116 9994

La Leche League (pronounced La Lay-chay) is a volunteer non-profit organisation which provides information and mother-to-mother support for women breastfeeding their babies or wanting to. We encourage women to contact us before their baby is born, as well as while they are breastfeeding. Support is available through group meetings, coffee groups, phone, Facebook and email.

Pregnancy Centre

Address: 13 Maidstone Street, Ponsonby, Auckland
Phone: 09 361 4162

Provides an impartial, client centred counselling service for women of all ages who have a crisis or unplanned pregnancy. Also post-termination and miscarriage counselling. Counsellors are professionally externally trained and supervised. 

Locations: Central, North, South and West Auckland.

Pregnancy Help Inc – Auckland

Level 3, 33 Wyndham Street Wyndham Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland CBD, 1010
Phone: 09 643447

Pregnancy Help provides emotional and practical support for the well-being of pregnant and recently pregnant women, new mothers and their families/whanau.

Central Auckland Parents Centre


Parents Centre NZ offers a wide range of support networks for parenting with the prime service being childbirth education and parenting education.  A locally run committee ensures good quality support and education is available for parents within the community.

Family Life / Gianna's Choice Pregnancy Support

Address: 569A Richardson Rd, Mt Roskill, Auckland, 1040
Phone: 0800 367 5433 (24/7)

Offering confidential support to women experiencing a crisis or unexpected pregnancy. Support for parents after suffering the death of a baby through abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth. Providing Accredited Teachers of the Billings Method of Ovulation, a natural way to achieve or postpone pregnancy.  Offering someone caring and understanding to talk to about your situation.  Free practical support e.g. baby clothes & equipment and free medical guidance.

Sands Auckland Central

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby.

Contact: Sara Lane for phone support.
Tania Cornwall for email support and queries.
Phone: 0508 SandsA (0508 72 63 72)
Postal Address: PO Box 41 111, St Lukes, Auckland 1346

Support Meetings: Support group meetings are held on the first Thursday evening of every month (no January meeting), 7:15pm-8:45pm in the Garlick Room (turn left at the reception desk), of the YMCA Mt Albert, 773 New North Road, Mt Albert.

Sorry - there are no childcare facilities available, these meetings are for adults only.




Address: 40 Mercer Street, Wellington

Contact your nearest Plunket Office for information on local Plunket Clinics and services in your area, or visit PlunketLine support service available 24/7 freephone 0800 933 922

Phone: 04 471 0177

Plunket believes in supporting the development of healthy families.  All families with children under age five are welcome to use Plunket services and more than ninety percent of New Zealand families choose to use Plunket to help them care for their young children.

Pregnancy Counselling Services – Wellington

Freephone number available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Text a counsellor 021 2898 727 (021 2TXTPCS) Email Enquiry Form is available on website. See Facebook counselling page on messenger.

Phone: 0800 77 34 62

Free confidential 24 hour service for anyone involved in a worrying pregnancy or distressed after an abortion.

Birth Wise Wellington Inc.

Address: Hall Avenue, Newtown, Wellington, 6021
Phone: 027 375 1926

Birth Wise offers an antenatal programme and parenting support groups.  Birth Wise promotes wellness in pregnancy, natural birth and holistic parenting by empowering women and men to make informed choices.

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA)

Address: 2129 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville, Wellington, 6037
Phone: 04 461 6318

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa (PADA) is an organisation that exists to improve outcomes for families and whanau affected by mental illness related to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. The perinatal period is from pregnancy through to a child’s first year. Our aim is to eliminate stigma and facilitate best practice in order to ensure all families in New Zealand experience good perinatal mental health.  Anxiety and depression symptoms during this time frame range from thoughts of harming the baby and not being able to cope, through to suicide, child abuse and requiring psychiatric hospitalisation.

Pregnancy Help Inc - Greater Wellington

Address: 139b Main Road, Tawa, Wellington, 5028
Phone: 04 232 5740

Pregnancy Help supports the wellbeing of pregnant and recently pregnant women, parents, caregivers and their families/whanau by providing information and practical support with Care, Concern and Confidentiality.

Greenstone Doors

Greenstone Doors is a Charitable Trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whanau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care. Providing education, counselling, resources and support for women and their families during and after pregnancy through an independent network of counselling and support professionals.

Address: 15 Dudley Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: 04 566 5037
Alternative Phone: 027 2549222 or 022 0395788 (Tues-Fri 10am-5pm)

Breastfeeding Support - La Leche League New Zealand

Address: 16 Hagley Street, Porirua
Phone: 04 471 0690

La Leche League (pronounced La Lay-chay) is a volunteer non-profit organisation which provides information and mother-to-mother support for women breastfeeding their babies or wanting to. We encourage women to contact us before their baby is born, as well as while they are breastfeeding. Support is available through group meetings, coffee groups, phone, Facebook and email.

Mana Parents Centre Inc.

Address: 16 Hagley Street, Porirua, 5022

Mana Parents Centre offers a range of antenatal (Childbirth Education) and postnatal courses, as well as Parent Education and membership to families in the Tawa to Pukerua Bay area.

Specialist Maternal Mental Health Service, Capital Coast District Health Board

Mothers Helpers

Phone: 0800 002 717 or 022 093 1822

Provide support to mothers experiencing ante-natal and postnatal anxiety and depression, also offer PND Recovery courses and follow-up counselling in 12 areas across the North Island as well as online.  These are delivered by qualified counsellors, social workers, life coaches or mental health nurses.

Online PND Recovery Course – Mothers Helpers provides an online 10 week Perinatal Depression/Anxiety Recovery Course.  All mums who have completed the course can go on to have therapy with your facilitator – a registered/qualified counsellor, social worker, life coach or mental health nurse.

Sands Wellington

Phone: 022 398 3917

Support Meetings: First Wednesday of each month (except January), from 7:30pm

Plunket Family Rooms, Rotoiti Street, Johnsonville

Also in Lower Hutt - Third Wednesday of the month from 7:30pm, Alicetown Community Centre, 38 Victoria Street, Alicetown

We are not dieticians and therefore are not in a position to offer dietary advice. However, we have put together some resources on food and local expertise in the hope that this information will be of use to the public.

Harvard Medical School has put together lots of resources on healthy eating, including the healthy eating plate:

The Helfimed trial was a successful trial that showed benefit of assisting people suffering from depression to nudge over to a more Mediterranean-based diet. They have lots of recipes on their website:

The Mood and Food Centre in Melbourne often blogs on diet-related topics. Check out their website:

Dr Drew Ramsey has some excellent resources on eating well on a budget:

There are lots of great resources at this site:

Books that we have enjoyed reading on nutrition and mental health that do have some scientific basis to their recommendations:

  • Finally Focused – Dr James Greenblatt
  • The Mad Diet – Suzanne Lockhart
  • The anti-anxiety food solution –Trudy Scott
  • What the FAT? - Prof Grant Schofield (also includes recipes)

Rachel Kelly has devised a cookbook directly focused on eating foods that will contain nutrients help you feel mentally better:

How to eat well on a budget:

From the British Dietetic Association: A healthy diet can be more expensive than a diet made up of more refined foods. Fish, fruit and vegetables can be particularly pricey. However, by cutting down on sugary drinks and snacks, takeaways and alcohol, you can save money to be spent on healthier items. Take care to buy only as much as you know you can use within the next few days to reduce waste. You can also cut your costs by taking advantage of special promotions and by shopping at market stalls which are often cheaper than supermarkets.

If you live alone you could save money by splitting purchases with friends (larger pack sizes are usually cheaper) or by cooking several portions of a dish and freezing some of them. This also saves fuel and saves you the effort of preparing meals every day. Frozen fruit and vegetables are often cheaper than fresh produce and are usually just as good nutritionally (with no wastage). Fresh fruit and vegetables are usually cheapest when they are in season while using beans, lentils and soy mince in cooking in place of meat can also cut costs.

Also, research from Australia has shown that a Mediterranean style diet was cheaper than a poor quality diet.

Dirty dozen and clean 15:

Dieticians in Christchurch:

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