Are we prepared for disasters? As a nation we have a history of pushing through emergency legislation in the wake of natural hazard events to govern our emergency response. This has led to an expectation that post-event bespoke frameworks will be introduced to manage post-disaster recovery. Is there a better way? Instead of treating disasters as individual hazards, should we treat them as a pattern of events and legislate accordingly?
Join us as we hear from experts to explore Aotearoa New Zealand’s current legal frameworks and the impacts these have on our ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural hazard events. Using an Auckland Volcanic Field eruption scenario based on the latest science, we’ll identify the challenges of managing disaster risk, examine the impacts of our current reactionary approach to disaster law, and explore possible alternatives.
Watch Professor W John Hopkins and PhD candidate Holly Faulkner, both of the Institute of Emergenies, Law and Disasters at the University of Canterbury present the Resilience National Science Challenge webinar on Law & Disasters: An Auckland Volanic Field Case Study, alongside Professor Jan Lindsay of the University of Auckland.