Postgraduate students - Master's and Doctoral students - play an integral role in research at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury.
They support senior researchers in their work while deepening their own understanding of the subject matter.
They also make new inroads into their areas of study through launching independent inquiries, making significant contributions to the collective knowledge pool.
With their heavy emphasis on practical work and research, and close guidance from experts in the field, postgraduate studies can be expensive. For passionate and talented scholars both thinking about undertaking postgraduate studies, or already engaged in them, this can be a barrier.
Your donation and support for postgraduate scholarships help alleviate these concerns for students by empowering them to undertake their studies without having to worry about practical financial burdens.

My scholarship has really lessened my financial burdens. Now I can fully focus on my research without needing to worry about finding a job to support myself. I wouldn’t have been able to work towards my PhD studying the relationship between the brain and swallowing disorders without this scholarship.
Master's Scholarships
Master’s students undertake further study for specialist knowledge, advanced critical evaluation, or conduct research in their fields.
A master’s degree helps advance careers and is a step towards gaining a doctoral degree.
A master’s scholarship can support students in their studies or pay for travel costs required for some degrees.
In some cases, a master’s degree is required for professions such as social workers and specialists in other fields such as engineering and health care.
Tuition fees start from $13,200 per student per year
Doctoral Scholarships
Doctoral students form an important foundation for research and innovation in every area and subject. They dive deeply into their fields of expertise and produce theses that contribute to the intellectual knowledge pool.
Many PhD students become future educators in tertiary education and leading innovators.
By supporting PhD scholarships, you are helping students grow our collective knowledge in their areas and find innovative solutions to issues we face in the world today.
Some Doctoral scholarships also offer a living costs stipend so students can focus on their full time research for the duration of their degree, which typically lasts about three to four years.
Tuition fees start from $$11,200 per student per year