
Wananga landing
Wananga landing

Insurance for students

11 December 2023

Travel and vehicle insurance for students travelling for educational purposes. 


Essential travel information

UC Student Travel

Given the ongoing risks and uncertainties with international travel, students and those who approve student travel should consider, discuss and mitigate against any identified travel risks ahead of a student travelling overseas for educational purposes. 

Students travelling overseas are asked to speak to a member of UC’s Risk and Insurance Team about

  • Arranging Travel Insurance with UC’s Travel Insurer;
  • High-Risk Travel
  • High-Risk activities.


Let us know you are safe if you are caught up in a critical incident while travelling.

Contact your department head or your immediate supervisor as soon as you can.

Healix Travel Oracle app

Registering on the Healix app enables UC travellers to access real-time travel alerts and obtain detailed information about international destinations.

To download the app go to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Once downloaded please contact to obtain our UC Policy Number, enabling access – you will also need to enter your UC email address.

Checklist for UC travellers
  • It is mandatory to use the University's contracted travel management company, Orbit Travel, for all University travel. In rare exceptions, it may be possible to request a departure from this policy by contacting
  • If a student is travelling on approved university business (e.g., research, attendance at a conference, international internship or a study tour) please contact so we can help arrange your travel insurance. 
  • Please note where there is a leisure component of 3 or more days, the cost of the leisure component will be a personal expense. You will be asked to complete a ‘UC Travel Insurance Declaration Form’ so any leisure days can be correctly calculated and charged back to you.
  • Register your travel with New Zealand authorities so you can be easily contacted in case of an emergency. Only applicable to New Zealand citizens travelling on a New Zealand passport.
  • If you need to make a travel claim and your travel insurance is covered by, or obtained through, UC's travel insurer, please contact for more information about the claims process.


Vehicle Use and Fleet Management Policy



Fleet Vehicle Insurance Claims Process

  1. Fleet vehicle damage reported to/discovered by Security and claim form provided to vehicle booker.
  2. Vehicle booker completes Motor Vehicle Claim Form and returns to Security.
  3. Security obtain quote for repair from Vehicle Repair Supplier.
  4. Security email the claim form and quote for repair to the Insurer and cc:
  5. Insurer provides a claim number to Security.
  6. Security email the claim number, copy of claim form and copy of quote to (cc: to raise a PO to the vehicle repairer.
  7. Finance Shared Services confirm to Security the PO has been raised.
  8. Vehicle repair supplier contacts Security to confirm booking time/date.
  9. Vehicle repaired and ready for Fleet availability.

Rental Vehicle Insurance Claims Process

UC participates in the All-of-Government contract for rental vehicles. 

  1. Damage to rental vehicles should be reported to the provider at the time of the accident or when the vehicle is returned.
  2. In addition to completing the provider's paperwork, the vehicle booker MUST complete a Motor Vehicle Claim Form then send it directly to the Insurer and cc:
  3. If the claim form is not completed, signed and sent to the Insurer, you will be contacted by UC to complete the process.

Please contact if you have any questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does the policy cover hired vehicles?

Yes, the policy covers damage to hired vehicles whilst in the University's care/custody/control.

What is the process for windscreen repairs?

You do not need to complete a claim form for glass-only damage. If using Novus or Smith & Smith you can simply provide them with UC’s policy number and proceed with the repair. Please contact to obtain the policy number. If an alternative glazier is used, the insurer will require an estimate for authorisation.

If the damage is to a hired vehicle, first check with the hiring company whether they have a set process or preferred glazier.

Do I need to purchase additional insurance for a rental vehicle while travelling overseas?

The University's insurer will pay the excess up to $6,000 on insurance taken out on a rental vehicle overseas. The traveller needs to take local insurance for the vehicle, however the excess should not be over $6,000 or additional cover should be taken to reduce it to this level. No additional cover is required if the excess is under $6,000.

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