Doctoral students Glen McClea and Campbell Tiffin from the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury (UC) are members of the winning team that received the 2023 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Australia and New Zealand Student Design Prize.
McClea and Tiffin were head hunted by The Chemical Engineer, an international magazine based in the United Kingdom with more than 35,000 members in 114 countries, to write a feature article, sharing valuable insights for undergraduate students on how to successfully approach and complete a final-year design project.
Also selected as the cover story for September’s issue, the article highlights key aspects to a successful final-year design project such as collaboration, effective use of software tools, and valuing expert feedback.
McClea and Tiffin explain what this experience taught them on The Chemical Engineer. Creating a Winning Final Year Design.