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Young alumni

Ben Scales

24 July 2023

BProdDesign Industrial Product Design/BCom Management 2022

Co-Founder of KiwiFibre


Can you tell us a bit about KiwiFibre? What inspired you to launch this business venture?

KiwiFibre is changing the way the world uses materials. We’ve developed a natural-fibre composite material to replace fibreglass and carbon fibre in any industry.

In our second year, my classmate and I explored natural fibres as part of a material science paper. We learned about fibreglass and the environmental problems it carries, and wanted to know if natural fibres could solve this problem. We discovered the history of the NZ flax / harakeke industry and its former role as Aotearoa’s biggest industry. Now, it’s our goal to revitalise this industry, and we’re working with over 50 organisations to make this happen.

What excites you most about your company?

Startups can change the world. They are a powerful and scalable force for real change. Within KiwiFibre, we engage with, add, and provide value to so many stakeholders, and no two days are the same. We have the potential to bring significant economic, social and environmental benefit to Aotearoa and the world - and that’s so exciting.

How did UC’s Entre 85k Challenge help to contribute to your business ideas?

The Entre 85k Challenge was my first taste of startup-land and the business world. It was a safe space to try ideas, learn about business and build the confidence to go out there and build something awesome. With such strong alumni and exciting cohorts, the events are always worth going to!

You completed a double degree in Industrial Product Design and Commerce. Were these areas you were always interested in?

Being a generalist with a passion for engineering and good design, Industrial Design and Commerce was an obvious choice. From engine tear-downs to 3D printing, supply chain management and digital marketing, I learned the skills to take an idea from conception to market.

What were your fondest memories of your time at UC?

Standout memories were the halls experience, and the social sports.

Being at Rochester and Rutherford hall, I met 200 other students from all walks of life and places around Aotearoa. Every week these was something exciting happening, so much to look forward to, and so much support.

UC Football’s tournaments were also a highlight. In first year, we assembled a team, which is still going 6 years later. In first year, we had over 100 students from the hall show up to support the team in the final of Summer Sevens. #UpTheRanch

Having moved yourself from Auckland, what advice would you give to a new student moving away from home to come to UC?

Moving away from your home town opens a door to a whole new world. Personally you develop so fast and learn so much. Try new things, meet new people, take a risk, and who knows where you’ll end up!

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