
Wananga landing Wananga landing

Zhe Zhang


Investigating the relationship between situation awareness and safety behaviour: A psychophysiological and virtual reality approach

27 November 2023

    My interest in the construction drives me to pursue a Bachelor of Engineering with major of Engineering Management in China. I went to the University of Canterbury in master level study to further my studies in construction management. Inspired by Dr. Brian Guo's enthusiasm and expertise in construction management, I am currently pursuing my PhD research in construction safety at the University of Canterbury.

    My current research interest is in virtual reality (VR)-based situation awareness (SA) for construction safety. The overall goal of the PhD project is to design a digital technology enabled situation-aware construction worksite, based on a domain-specific SA framework, to improve SA at both individual and team levels, and promote safety behaviours.

    I enjoy playing Soccer and playing Rubik's Cube in my daily life. 


    Zhang, Z., Guo, B. H. W., Chang-Richards, A., Jin, R., & Han, Y. (2021). Digitalisation-based Situation Awareness for Construction Safety Management - A Critical Review. ISARC. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 38, 605-612.  



    Dr Brian Guo, University of Canterbury

    Dr Alice Chang-Richards, University of Auckland

    Dr Zhenan Feng, Massey University

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