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Jaime Delano

Studying towards a PhD in Geological Sciences

23 November 2023

Location: Ernest Rutherford 262

I am interested in Quaternary tectonic deformation and earthquake records to better understand seismic hazard. My research typically uses high-resolution topographic data (e.g., lidar, structure-from-motion) and remote mapping techniques coupled with field surveys and geochronology to identify active faults and understand their history of activity. I have been involved in projects in the Pacific Northwest (USA), Central USA, and the Basin and Range Province (western USA), and am now focusing on historical earthquakes in New Zealand.


Primary Supervisor: Tim Stahl

Research Interests

- Active tectonics

- Geomorphology

- Remote sensing

- Paleoseismology

Working thesis title

Understanding vertical deformation from New Zealand earthquakes

Academic History

B.S. in Geology, University of California, Davis (2013)

M.S. in Geology Western Washington University (2016)


First author:

Delano, J. E., Briggs, R. W., Thompson Jobe, J., Gold, R. D., & Engelhart, S. E., 2021. Quaternary Reelfoot Fault Deformation in the Obion River Valley, Tennessee, USA. Tectonics40(8), e2019TC005990.

Delano, J. E., Briggs, R. W., DuRoss, C. B., & Gold, R. D., 2021. Quick and Dirty (and Accurate) 3D Paleoseismic Trench Models Using Coded Scale Bars. Seismological Research Letters

Delano, J. E., Gold, R. D., Briggs, R. W., and Jibson, R. W., 2018, Coseismic Sackungen Record Evidence of Strong Shaking and Fault Source in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA.: Geophysical Research Letters.

Delano, J. E., Amos, C. B., Loveless, J. P., Rittenour, T. M., Sherrod, B. L., and Lynch, E. M., 2017, Influence of the megathrust earthquake cycle on upper-plate deformation in the Cascadia forearc of Washington State, USA: Geology, v 45, p. 1051–1054. doi:


Stahl, T. A., Niemi, N. A., Delano, J. E., Wolfe, F. D., Bunds, M. P., & Howell, A., 2021. Diffuse Tectonic Deformation in the Drum Mountains Fault Zone, Utah, USA: Testing the Utility of Legacy Aerial Photograph-Derived Topography. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 597.

Gold, R. D., Stephenson, W. J., Briggs, R. W., DuRoss, C. B., Kirby, E., Woolery, E., et al., 2020. Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Low-Angle Panamint Normal Fault System, Eastern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(11), e2020JB020243.

DuRoss, C. B, et al., 2020, Surface Displacement Distributions for the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120200058

Thompson Jobe, J., Gold, R. D., Briggs, R. W., Delano, J. E., Stephenson, W.J., Williams, R. A., 2020, Evidence for late Quaternary deformation along Crowleys Ridge, New Madrid seismic zone: Tectonics, 

DuRoss, C. B., Gold, R. D., Briggs, R. W., Delano, J. E., Ostenaa, D., Zellman, M., Cholewinski, N., Wittke, S., Mahan, S. A., 2019, Holocene earthquake history and slip rate of the southern Teton fault, Wyoming, USA: Bulletin of the Seismoogical Society of America, doi: 10.1130/B35363.1

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