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Education, Health and Human Development Doctoral scholarships

07 March 2024

UC offers different scholarships to support our students studying towards a research doctoral degree with us. Find out about Education, Health, and Human Development Doctoral scholarships.


Please note: These scholarships are subject to funding availability and are reviewed each year. The UC Scholarships Office administers most of these scholarships. Please search our scholarships database for all scholarships currently available.

William and Ina Cartwright ScholarshipThe scholarship provides financial assistance at a value of $5,000 per annum for four years for the doctoral programme at the domestic rate.Top-ranked candidates who have been selected for a UC Core Doctoral Scholarship and are/will be studying the discipline of Education.The scholarship is awarded to the first-ranked candidate who had not been offered a UC Prestige Doctoral Scholarship in the year of the award and who will be studying the discipline of Education.

Considered with the UC Doctoral Scholarship (rolling)

Gertrude Ardagh Holmes Bursary FundStudents who are hindered by financial strain and who would struggle in continuing their studies.Preference shall be given to students who desire to undertake a medical course. Assistance may be continued to such students after they have proceeded to a medical or dental school in another New Zealand university.. Candidates must be citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand or holders of Aotearoa New Zealand residence class visas.31-Mar
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