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PGDipChFamPsyc Interview Information

10 January 2024
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology Interview Information

The selection interviews for the Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology will be held 13 and 14 November 2023.  

All interviewees will attend at 9:15am on Monday 13th November. A whānau/support person can accompany you for part of the day. If you wish to take this option please contact

Monday 13 November will commence with a group activity, after which interviewees will separately engage in a brief, videoed role-play, before attending an individual panel interviews on either Monday 13 November or Tuesday 14 November. 

The group and video activities will run through until early Monday afternoon. Once these activities are completed you are free to leave and then return for your individual interview. 

Interview Bookings

You have received an email outlining the day and time of your individual interview.

Police Check 

All students undertaking the Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Family Psychology must complete a NZ police check in order to meet the obligations for the Childrens Act 2014. We will complete the police vetting form as part of the group aspect of the interview process. 

Please ensure you bring two forms of ID with you to the first day of interviews, one must be photo ID. You will also be required to bring evidence of any name change (ie marriage certificate) if you have ever been known by another name. 

Police checks will only be completed for applicants who are offered entry into the programme. 

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