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UC Business School among 1% global elite with Triple Crown accreditation

14 June 2019

The University of Canterbury (UC) Business School has achieved EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation.


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The University of Canterbury (UC) Business School has achieved EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation.

EQUIS accreditation benchmarks against ten international standards; governance, programmes, students, faculty, research, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility, and sustainability, as well as engagement with the world of practice.

“The UC Business School has used the framework of EQUIS accreditation to strengthen its international focus, to build meaningful connections with business and community organisations, and to embed ethics and sustainability throughout its operations,” says Professor Sonia Mazey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor College of Business and Law.

This transformation has seen the School move from a regional focus to an internationally recognised Business School, producing high calibre graduates who are prepared for success within a global workforce, she says.

UC Vice-Chancellor Professor Cheryl de la Rey said the University was delighted with the result.

“Achieving EQUIS accreditation, and subsequently the Triple Crown of business school accreditation, acknowledges the international calibre of our teaching and research as well as the high quality of our staff and students,” she says.  

UC joins an elite group of international business schools with Triple Crown accreditation, placing it in the top 1% of business schools in the world. Triple Crown accreditation follows rigorous quality assessment processes by three accreditation systems: the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) based in the United States, the Association of MBAs (AMBA) based in the United Kingdom, which accredits the flagship MBA programme, and now EQUIS based in Europe. 

The Triple Crown accreditation follows years of focused work to ensure the School is achieving the highest standards.

The recognition is a milestone for the Business School, which is the only Triple Crown accredited university in the South Island, and one of only a handful in Australasia says Professor Paul Ballantine, Head of the UC Business School.  

“Accreditation is acknowledged worldwide and provides a seal of excellence for the whole Business School. More than ever, UC graduates can be confident that the qualifications they earn at UC are recognised by local employers and internationally and will open doors for them around the world.”

EQUIS accreditation is the most comprehensive institutional accreditation system for business and management schools. It is acknowledged worldwide by potential students, faculty, employers, corporate clients and the media.

Read more: EQUIS

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