The Scholarship Awards is an annual event that celebrates all Aruhiko – Power Engineering Excellence Trust (PEET) Scholars from First Year through to Postgraduate engineering students, and some specific company scholarships.
The 2022 Power Engineering Scholarship Awards were held 6 October 2022, with about 70 people attending. The awards ceremony was held after the APEX Summit (Annual Power Engineering Exchange) run by the EEA and supported by the EPECentre.
More than 240 PEET Scholarships have been awarded since 2002 on behalf of all PEET members. In 2022, 23 undergraduate scholars and one postgraduate scholar were awarded.
Dr Hamish Avery, Director of the EPECentre, welcomed guests to the event. Shane Watson (PEET board member) awarded the PEET First Year and Second Year Scholars. Peter Brown (PEET board member) awarded the PEET Third Year and Fourth Year scholars, and the postgraduate scholar, Ali Othman. Peter Brown (representing PSC) awarded the PSC Scholarship for 2022 to Kristen Ong. Mark Appleman (representing Mainpower) awarded the Mainpower Scholarship for 2022 to Josh Dalley. We would like to thank our presenters for their time and commitment to share and meet with students.
We would also like to thank Peter Berry and the EEA for organising the APEX Summit at UC, it was great to see so many of our alumni attend the event. Congratulations to UC Engineering alumni Emma Lloyd (2022 APEX People's Choice award) and Logan Cane (2022 APEX Best Paper Award) for winning their awards! Special thanks to EPECentre’s Sadeesh Silva for judging the best paper award.