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Alumni Q&A: Cam McCracken

11 May 2023

A graduate of the Ilam School of Fine Arts, Cam McCracken and is putting his exte the Director of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Toitū Otago Settlers Museum and the Dunedin Chinese Garden.


Why did you choose to study your BFA here at UC?

The Ilam School of Fine Arts is an excellent department at UC with a long tradition, a hard-won reputation for being one of the best places to study, and has produced some of Aotearoa's most important artists. I came to UC to be immersed in that learning environment.

Your experiences and career have led you to your current directorship roles - what has the journey been like to get to where you are now?

I've always followed my passion for the arts and my career has always been in the creative industries. For the past 20 years or so I've held directorships at Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts in Auckland, the Dowse Art Museum in Wellington, and most recently, the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.

Are there skills or experiences from your time at UC which stand out to you as things you draw upon today?

I was encouraged to think critically and rigorously at UC, to think around problems strategically, and be able to communicate my thoughts and opinions clearly and effectively. I'd like to think I've used these skills on a daily basis ever since!

Why is it important to have spaces like the Dunedin Public Art Gallery available and accessible for people and their communities?

Art museums are places that promote lifelong learning and reward curiosity. They are places that encourage visitors to engage in reflection and form new intellectual and social connections. Besides, being around great art just makes people feel good!

Is making art yourself something you can fit into your schedule?

Ha! To put it kindly, I stopped making art when I realised I was more effective in roles where I could act as a facilitator or conduit between creative people and wider audiences.

What is it like to constantly be exploring and discovering art and culture in Aotearoa?

It’s always exciting to see new generations of artists emerge and often be able to support their careers, giving them shows and as their arts practice develops, occasionally adding their works to public collections I’ve overseen. It’s also rewarding to be able to continue to show and collect these artists as time progresses.

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