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Transitioning at UC

04 December 2023

At the University of Canterbury, we aim to provide you with a safe and supportive transitioning environment and help your journey be as seamless as possible.


When enrolling at UC you are required to provide us with your legal name. However, your name is what you go by in your day to day life and sometimes this differs from your legal name.

If you would like to be referred to by your name (differing from your legal name) below are the steps to do this:

  • Login to MyUC
  • Click on the name located in the top right corner of the page, then click on "My Profile" from the drop down list
  • Underneath the legal name section, click on the "Other names" box and fill in your name
  • Tick the "Preferred name" checkbox
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Update Profile"

The "My Profile" section on MyUC can be used to change your gender and pronouns at any time too.

Canterbury Card

Your Canterbury Card is your ID for all things UC. If you have changed your name, you can request your Canterbury Card is updated to reflect this change. The name on the card does not have to be the same as your legal name.

To make this request, you can either chat with a or send us an email at:

Legal name change

The process to change your own name legally can be found on the New Zealand Government website.

Once you changed your legal name, we can change it on our system too. To do this, bring your new birth certificate or name change certificate to Te Pātaka on Level 3, Puaka James-Hight, where the Student Services team can help.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need help navigating these processes, please contact a rainbow advisor.

Accessing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an important part of many trans and gender diverse people's transitions, but we acknowledge the process can be confusing and unclear. The can help you navigate this process as well as answer any questions or concerns you have around HRT or other forms of gender affirming care.

For University of Canterbury students, we recommend the UC Health Centre for accessing HRT and other forms of gender affirming care. UC Health has staff that are trained around gender diversity and many of the GPs and nurses have experience providing gender affirming health care. As a student, you can access heavily subsidised, and in many cases, free-of-charge care.

Once you are registered with the UC Health Centre, contact the Reception team on 03 369 4444 and state that you would like to access gender affirming hormone replacement therapy. They will book you an appointment with a suitable nurse to start the process.

Read: Primary Care Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Initiation Guidelines (PDF, 1MB, 64 pages)



At the University of Canterbury, you have the right to use the bathrooms and changing rooms that align with your gender or whichever you feel most comfortable in.

Gender neutral facilities

In addition to male and female bathrooms, the UC campus has dedicated gender neutral facilities. These can be found in the following locations:

  • Rehua (levels 2 and 7)
  • Haere-roa
  • Elsie Locke (Levels 3 and 6)
  • Puaka-James Hight (Undercroft and level 3)
  • UC Rec Centre
  • Forestry (Ground floor)

Additionally, any disabled bathroom around campus is available for use as a gender neutral option where suitable facilities are unavailable.

Discrimination and harressment is not tolerated at the University of Canterbury. If you experience or witness discrimination, harressment or feel unsafe, please reach out to a trusted staff member or contact UC Security.

The UC Speech and Hearing Clinic provides a vocal training program for transgender and gender diverse people who currently experience vocal dysphoria.

The program is facilitated by UC Speech and Language Pathology students across multiple sessions with the support of trained clinical staff. Each session is designed to provide vocal exercises and a supportive practising environment to gradually build towards each participant's vocal goals. The program can help with both vocal feminisation and masculinisation.

The vocal training program is free-of-charge and can be accessed via a referral from your GP.

For more information or questions about the UC Voice Clinic, please contact Tika Ormond.

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