With contributions from gardening experts to moving accounts from school children, this is a book by New Zealanders for New Zealand.
If you are wondering which New Zealand native plants are frost-tender, which prefer coastal sites or which are tall-growing species, there is an extensive A-Z glossary to guide you. Advice on landscaping with natives and on cultivating from seed or cuttings is presented in richly illustrated chapters. If you want to play your part in conservation and grow rare and endangered species, or restore an area of native plant habitats, you will find the guidelines in this book.
For far too long introduced plants have overshadowed our native plants. This book will help ensure there is a better future for our rich and diverse flora.
'Books about growing native plants in the home garden are nothing unusual, but Going Native lifts the topic to another, very welcome level.' Gillian Vine, Otago Daily Times
Ian Spellerberg is Professor of Nature Conservation and Director of the Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation at Lincoln University. He is president of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, and is passionate about raising the profile of New Zealand’s natural heritage.
David Given (d. 2005) was Botanical Services Curator at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, and a consultant and part-time lecturer at Lincoln University, where he was an Associate Professor with the Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation. Having worked in over 50 countries, including the Antarctic, during his scientific career, David had a passionate interest in conservation horticulture and botanic gardens.