
Wananga landing Wananga landing

Melanie Tomintz

Geospatial RI Centre Manager

Geospatial Research Institute

21 November 2023
Qualifications & Memberships
  • Doctor of Philosophy

  • Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Teaching/Research Organisation): External Lecturer, 2015 - present

  • International Microsimulation Association (Professional Organisation): Member

Research Interests

My main research interests are to combine GIS and new technologies applied to health-related issues.

Currently, I'm managing the GeoHealth Laboratory work programme, where we apply geospatial tools and methods to public health topics, such as immunisation, childhood obesity, maternity, long-term health conditions using the IDI, avoidable hospitalisations and active transport to schools. The research projects are developed in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

Another project uses the application of virtual reality (VR) around the areas of smoking and vaping / e-cigarettes. I'm interested to collect new informative data and use this information towards the development of personalised health support and services.

With an increase of elderly people in future, I'm also interested in their health and well-being. I'm involved in a project that looks at outdoor falls, where my particular interest is in the built environment for prevention, as well as smart technologies to support the elderly.

In the past, I focused a lot on spatial simulation and modelling (e.g. microsimulation and agent-based modelling), mainly applied to public health issues such as smoking and antenatal care. My interest was also on geospatial visualisation and web mapping tools.

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Spatial Modelling and Simulation
  • Virtual Reality
  • Human-computer Interaction
  • Public Health
  • User-centred Design and Evaluation
  • Quantitative Analysis
Recent Publications
  • Hobbs M., Biddle SJH., Kingsnorth AP., Marek L., Tomintz M., Wiki J., McCarthy J., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021) Investigating the Association between Child Television Viewing and Measured Child Adiposity Outcomes in a Large Nationally Representative Sample of New Zealanders: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 18(5): 524-532.
  • Hobbs M., Schoeppe S., Duncan MJ., Vandelanotte C., Marek L., Wiki J., Tomintz M., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021) Objectively measured waist circumference is most strongly associated in father–boy and mother–girl dyads in a large nationally representative sample of New Zealanders. International Journal of Obesity 45(2): 438-448.
  • Hobbs M., Wade A., Jones P., Marek L., Tomintz M., Sharma K., McCarthy J., Mattingley B., Campbell M. and Kingham S. (2021) Area-level deprivation, childhood dental ambulatory sensitive hospitalizations and community water fluoridation: Evidence from New Zealand. International Journal of Epidemiology 49(3): 908-916.
  • Keijsers M., Vega-Corredor MC., Tomintz M. and Hoermann S. (2021) "I virtually quit": A Review of Virtual Reality Technology Applications in Cigarette Craving and Smoking Interventions.. Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • Marek L., Greenwell J., Hobbs M., McCarthy J., Wiki J., Campbell M., Kingham S. and Tomintz M. (2021) Combining large linked social service microdata and geospatial data to identify vulnerable populations in New Zealand. In Birkin M; Clarke G; Corcoran M; Stimson R (Ed.), Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning.Edward Elgar Publishing.
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