Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (University of Canterbury)
Doctor of Philosophy (University of Canterbury)
Research Interests
Elevated blood sugar concentrations (hyperglycaemia) commonly occur in very premature infants in neonatal intensive care, and have been associated with increased mortality and worsened outcomes. Insulin can be used to treat hyperglycaemia, but current clinical practice worldwide often results in dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). This research uses mathematical models of glucose-insulin physiology and statistical forecasting to determine an insulin dosage that is safe and effective. This model-based protocol is implemented as a tablet-based application, and is used in neonatal intensive care units in New Zealand and Hungary.
- Biomedical systems modelling
- Physiological Modelling
- Glycaemic Control
- Neonatal Intensive Care
- Clinical Applications in Engineering
Recent Publications
- Chase JG., Zhou C., Knopp JL., Moeller K., Benyo B., Desaive T., Wong JHK., Malinen S., Naswall K. and Shaw GM. (2023) Digital Twins and Automation of Care in the Intensive Care Unit. Cyber–Physical–Human Systems: Fundamentals and Applications: 457-489. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781119857433.ch17.
- Guy EFS., Knopp JL., Lerios T. and Chase JG. (2023) Airflow and dynamic circumference of abdomen and thorax for adults at varied continuous positive airway pressure ventilation settings and breath rates. Scientific Data 10(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02326-5.
- Lerios T., Knopp JL., Holder-Pearson L., Guy EFS. and Chase JG. (2023) An identifiable model of lung mechanics to diagnose and monitor COPD. Computers in Biology and Medicine 152 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.106430.
- McHugh AD., Chase JG., Knopp JL., Zhou T. and Holder-Pearson L. (2023) Determining Losses in Jet Injection Subcutaneous Insulin Delivery: A Model-Based Approach. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 17(4): 1016-1028. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/19322968221085032.
- Sun Q., Chase JG., Zhou C., Tawhai MH., Knopp JL., Möller K. and Shaw GM. (2023) Non-invasive over-distension measurements: data driven vs model-based. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 37(2): 389-398. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10877-022-00900-7.