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Transition engineering testimonials

13 November 2023

The Achieving NetZero InTIME© course was launched in 2021, based on feedback received from students and the need for a short introduction course. Read transition engineering testimonials from people who've done this course.


Testimonials about Transition Engineering and InTIME© courses


Testimonials regarding the Professional Development course delivered up to 2020, with similar content to the Energy InTIME© 6-Module course. Achieving NetZero InTIME© course has been launched in 2021, based on feedback received from students and the need for a short introduction course.


“Instead of imparting facts about global energy systems, this course empowers attendees with an assessment toolbox for understanding the interaction of global economic, energy, social, political, legislative systems. It also enables a way of thinking around re-engineering these systems for the benefit of the planet and society around our basic needs instead of our wants.Dirk 2023


“Today, we have many tools mapping out our carbon transition, which are constrained by building on the way we think today, are consistently failing to deliver the scale and speed of change we need. For me Transition Engineering breaks this cycle.” Jamie 2020


“The Transition Engineering Course has totally changed my perspective on how we can achieve sustainability. It establishes the limitation of our current resources and planetary living systems and then imagines what type of society we could create with the resources and limitations that we know will exist in the future. It doesn’t rely on any, yet to be invented, techniques of greenhouse gas mitigation, or any magical substances that will solve our future energy production and storage problems. But rather it examines our options around what we could do with what we already have. As a Materials Engineer who has been working in heavy industry and in research for 35 years, I am finding this methodology unique in that everything is both practical and eminently achievable.” Jill 2020


"A big thank you for the transition engineering course. It gave me a deep insight into the problems we have, how you can flip your perspective and also how to bust myths ;-)" Philip 2018





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