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Māori Language keyboard

20 October 2023

The Māori language keyboard is available on all workroom computers but you'll need to install this software if you want to use it.


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The Māori language keyboard is available on all workroom computers but you will need to install this software if you wish to use it. Find our more below.


Installing Māori keyboard from Software Centre

The Māori language keyboard is published to workroom computers from the Software Center via the Start menu.

1. Click on the search icon then type Software Centre. Click on the application to open it.

Software centre start menu

 It can take up to a minute for the software center to show all of the application available for you to install.

2. In the Search dialogue (top right hand corner) type UC Maori Language and press Enter.

Software centre search

3. Click on the application icon and select the install button.


Using Macrons

You can easily enter a macronised vowel by pressing ` (the key with ~ on it) and then the vowel.

For example:

To get the acute sign ` , push the  ` twice

`a = ā

To enter a macronised capital vowel, press `, then hold down shift and press the vowel,

For example:  `A = Ā>

Note: You don't have to hold down ` while you press the vowel, just press ` then press the vowel.

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