Special Topic: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 2: Te Reo Maori and/or Technology for senior secondary

15 points


  • TECS344-22YA2 (D) Year A Second Half 2022 (Distance)
  • TECS344-22YA1 (D) Year A First Half 2022 (Distance) - Not Offered


In this course, students deepen their understanding of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and the develop pedagogical content knowledge for secondary teaching in Te Reo Maori and/or Technology at senior secondary level. Students examine curriculum and assessment frameworks and materials, including the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and New Zealand Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), contemporary pedagogical developments and associated practice challenges within the context of a specialist senior secondary subject. There is a particular focus on knowledge foundations, assessment practices, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies that support learning for all, relevant subject-specific literacies and design for learning within students' specialist senior secondary subjects.

