Data Ethics

10 points

Not offered 2023

For further information see Humanities


This course is designed to equip you with foundational knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex ethical considerations that arise in the rapidly evolving field of data science. You’ll learn to identify, evaluate, and mitigate ethical data issues, exploring concepts such as autonomy, wellbeing, justice, confidentiality, and informed consent. Using a case-based approach, you’ll become confident using data ethics principles at every stage of data analysis to guide your practice, from planning, processing, and sharing analyses. This course has a particular focus on data sovereignty, exploring how data ethics and Te Tiriti o Waitangi connect, looking at Maori sovereignty, partnership and justice. You’ll walk away with a framework to guide your work with data, helping ensure that your processes are appropriate, ethical and impactful.


Entry subject to approval by the Head of School.