Heroines in History

15 points

Not offered 2022, offered in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

For further information see Humanities


Heroines' histories will be used to represent different moments of womanhood and femininity, women's place in domesticity, war, religion, education, politics and governance. Themes include spirituality, health and well-being, warrior and regal identities, cross-dressing, martyrdom and untimely death, imperialism, science and technology and glamour. Heroines to be studied include Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, Florence Nightingale, Kate Sheppard, Marie Curie, Te Puea, Jean Batten, Rosa Luxemburg and Diana, Princess of Wales.


Any 15 points at 100 level in HIST or CULT or CLAS120, or
any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.


HIST361, GEND215, CULT336

Equivalent Courses