Greek Philosophy

15 points

Not offered 2016, offered in 2011, 2013, 2015

For further information see Humanities


A survey of Greek philosophy and intellectual history Archaic and Classical Greece (c. 700-320 BC), focusing on primary sources in three interconnected sections: Presocratics; Sophists, Socrates & Plato; Aristotle. Note: course requirements in this combined 200 and 300-level course will be appropriate to the level at which the student is enrolled.


Either 15 points of CLAS or 15 points of PHIL at 100-level with a B pass; or 30 points of CLAS or PHIL at 100-level; or any 45 points from the Arts Schedule. RP: CLAS104 or CLAS/PHIL141 or any 100-level in CLAS or PHIL.


Equivalent Courses

Recommended Preparation

CLAS104 or CLAS/PHIL141 or any 100-level in CLAS or PHIL.