The Exotic

30 points

Not offered 2022, offered in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019

For further information see Humanities


A course addressing the concept of the exotic as a category of taste and feeling through which to explore the politics and history of literatures in English. Exoticism will be considered via four main sub-categories: primitivism, orientalism, the marvellous and the introduced. A range of texts from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuries will be studied, deriving from locations as diverse as Britain, Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific.


15 points of ENGL at 200-level with a B pass, or
30 points of ENGL at 200-level, or
any 45 points at 200-level from the Arts Schedule.


ENGL307, CULT307, CULT333

Equivalent Courses