Ancient Economies

15 points

Not offered 2020, offered in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019

For further information see Humanities


An introduction to the economies in the Mediterranean region during antiquity in order to gain a better knowledge of societies in the ancient world. Select economic activities will be studied to provide a greater understanding of the daily reality for individuals. Topics covered may include occupations, how the rental housing market worked, what coins were available, urbanization, etc. We will also investigate the operation of 'states', such as the Roman Empire and/or the Athenian Empire. Here we will examine activities such as trade, transportation, taxes and slave markets.


Either 15 points of CLAS at 100-level with a B pass; or 30 points of CLAS and/or ECON at 100-level; or any 45 points from the Arts schedule