Building teacher agency and capability through inquiry

15 points

Not offered 2024

For further information see School of Teacher Education


Me maumahara ki to ake ahureitanga. - Remember your absolute uniqueness. All pre-service kaiako have their own unique taonga, passions and areas for growth. In this course pre-service teachers are given an opportunity to explore in greater depth, an area of interest they wish to pursue, to further develop capability for teaching and learning in primary school settings. Through an inquiry approach they will research, synthesize and evaluate new knowledge, in order to articulate what and how they can contribute to different learning communities. In doing so, they may be a tuakana in some areas and a teina in others. Through this experience they will have a process for their own continued professional learning, to build agency as an emerging leader in their areas of strength.


30 points from 200 level AKOP