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UC Law professor discusses surrogacy in Aotearoa with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand

18 June 2020

UC Law Associate Professor Debra Wilson talks about surrogacy in Aotearoa with Radio New Zealand, and the surprising public perceptions her research revealed.

New research into public perceptions of surrogacy and the laws surrounding it have uncovered some surprising changes. Debra Wilson, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Canterbury, has led a three year research project with funding from the Law Foundation, to find out what the public thinks and whether attitudes are changing. Her research is being used to inform law changes in the United Kingdom and may impact on a private members bill in the ballot here. Debra Wilson says she was surprised by some of the findings, particularly regarding who the legal parents of the child should be.

Listen to Associate Debra Wilson discuss her research on Nine to Noon here>

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