More recently, Sue has founded two businesses - one dedicated to supporting women to start up and grow their own businesses, and one that runs motivational presentations, executive coaching, and leadership development programmes.
Sue used some incredible stories from her Greenland expedition to illustrate useful tips for leading, developing and communicating in teams. The audience was a diverse cross-section of the UCE community, including club executives, start-up founders, and a few people who were in the Centre for the first time. Everyone took away some practical ideas to apply to leadership and teamwork in their own lives.
One attendee, Kate Jenkins, said it was great to hear anecdotes from Sue’s polar adventures, and how we could apply ideas from these experiences to our own (generally less extreme!) lives. She said “Sue's experiences of leadership and teamwork in challenging, high-risk environments highlighted the importance of understanding team members’ strengths and perspectives and then utilising them in different situations”.
Thank you again to Sue for the amazing talk. UCE hopes to host more speakers like Sue throughout the year, so keep an eye out for more speaking events to come!
UCE provides a dedicated, student-focused space where innovation can flourish, stimulating the development of entrepreneurs through a combination of research, teaching and community engagement.
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