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Hon. Kit Toogood QC Statement 11th December 2019

11 December 2019

The University has received an updated statement from former High Court Judge Hon. Kit Toogood QC, who is leading the independent investigation into the delay in discovering the death of a student at Sonoda Village residential hall.


I have noted the release today of Coroner Johnson’s findings on the place and cause of Mason’s death. Although the Coroner has not yet concluded her inquiry into the circumstances of death, I am now able to complete my findings and recommendations on the delay in finding Mason’s body and the policies and procedures relevant to student welfare issues. 

Natural justice requires me to consult the University of Canterbury (UC), Campus Living Villages (CLV) and Mason’s family so I can take the views of each into account before I provide a final report. I expect to be in a position to complete the consultation process by the end of next week. 

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