The whakataukī, Poipoia te kākano, kia puāwai | Nurture the seed and it will blossom, is the foundation for her kōrero, as part of the Tauhere UC Connect public lecture series – Whakamanahia ngā tamariki: Empowering our tamariki through language, culture and identity – on Wednesday 27 July, at the University of Canterbury’s Ilam campus.
Nau mai, haere mai, come listen, engage and join the kōrero.
About the speaker
Kay-Lee Jones has worked as a primary school teacher in a number of Māori medium settings throughout Christchurch from Year 1 to 8. She began her career in education by teaching high school students te reo Māori from junior to NCEA level. Kay-Lee’s last teaching role in the primary school setting was as a Year 6 to 8 kaiako of a L2 immersion room, combined with a deputy principal position. Kay-Lee has a Master of Education degree from the University of Canterbury and is nearing the end of her doctorate.
Her research interests include Māori education, bilingual education, language revitalisation, kaupapa Māori research methodologies, Pūrākau methodology, Indigenous pedagogies, Indigenous Education and Mātauranga Māori.
In addition to winning a UC Teaching Award in 2020, Kay-Lee was recognised at the national level in the same year with a prestigious Ako Aotearoa Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching award in the Kaupapa Māori category – only the second UC educator to achieve this success.
Tauhere UC Connect public lecture: Whakamanahia ngā tamariki: Empowering our tamariki through language, culture and identity Presented by Senior Lecturer Kay-Lee Jones, School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury, 7pm – 8pm, Wednesday 27 July 2022, in C1 Central Lecture Theatres, Ilam, Christchurch. Register to attend free at: Tauhere UC Connect public talks are also livestreamed on the UC Facebook page.